Saturday, February 20, 2010

Myth Buster Number One

This is the first of what I hope will be a long list of myth busters. Today's accepted myth is that "The Illegals do Jobs that Americans Will Not Do". Like many deceptive statements, this is a half truth with a deliberate intent to deceive us into thinking that American labor is lazy and that the buyers of labor (the wealthy) in the USA have no option but to hire illegally.
When one man buys the labor of another, it is no different than when two individuals engage in any commerce where there is a buyer and a seller. In a free market, both legal parties are allowed to negotiate and when an agreement is met, in the case of labor, a wage is agreed upon. When I say "legal parties", I refer to the requirement that the seller has a legitimate right to sell and the buyer has a legal right to buy. For example, if a man buys a stolen car from another man, he does not have legitimate ownership of that car regardless of the agreement because the seller did not have the right to sell stolen property. But what happens if the legal buyer will not offer what the legal seller wants? In a free market, we have no deal.
So, when we say that illegals will do jobs that Americans will not do, what we need to add to complete the statement is - The sellers of American labor will not do jobs that the American buyers of labor are offering. In a free market, the remedy of this stalemate would be for the buyers to offer more money, or elect to do the labor themselves. However, the buyers of labor in America, with assistance from their cronies in government, have decided that the free market is not for them and they now are hiring illegal labor. I know that some of you will say that you know an illegal who is doing some job for $10 or $20 an hour and that's good money. As good as it might be, it is still less than the amount that is being asked for by legal sellers. The dollar amount has no influence on the legality of the transaction. If I buy a stolen car for market value, I do not get to keep it once the illegal transaction has been discovered. $10-$20 may sound like a good wage to you for a particular job and if that's the case, you may want to take that illegal's job, but my guess it that you would not because to do that job you would want more - just like the legal American Laborer who wanted more.
And who hires the illegals? While I am sure that we can find some poor people and middle class who occasionally hire an illegal, the lion's share of illegals are hired by the very wealthy. A recent sting operation on Martha's Vineyard netted several illegals, all working as gardeners, housekeepers, cooks and general laborers for the residents of that lavish island that is covered with millionaire vacation homes. Tell me that they could not afford to hire legal labor! Oh sure, maybe if they did so, they would have to cut back from four BMW's to three, but it could be done and in doing so, they could hire local Massachusetts kids home from college who could use the cash to pay tuition. But why bother when you can get an illegal at half the price! Another recent case involved Robert Kraft, owner of the New England Patriots and worth a staggering $1.1 BILLION DOLLARS. After a recent snow storm, Mr. Kraft needed to clear the walkways and seats in his football stadium and decided to hire a third party labor supplier who had the lowest bid, facilitated by his use of illegal aliens to clear the snow. Thanks to laws that insulate business owners from liability if they hire a third party labor supply, Mr. Kraft is in the clear and legally has done no wrong. But when unemployment in Massachusetts is 8% and neighboring Rhode Island is 12%, did Mr. Kraft really have to resort to hiring illegals? Well, he could have hired legal labor if he truly wanted to, but a man worth $1.1 Billion has to cut corners somewhere.
In summation, it is a myth that illegals do the jobs that Americans will not do. The truth is that illegals do the jobs that Americans will not do for the illegal wages that wealthy Americans are offering.

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