Saturday, February 6, 2010

Want to help grow the US Economy? Get Sick!

If you're anxious about the state of the economy and your prospects for a secure future, there is hops. While we are in this Great Recession, there seems to be no clear way out, until now. Yes, manufacturing is gone and according to our Republican leaders in Washington, it's never going to come back. Yes, the wealthy and the connected on Wall Street have found their way to prosperity, thanks to the helping hand of "Big Government". Funny, isn't it, that Ronald Reagan told us that "Government was not the solution, government was the problem!" and we all took the bait. We agreed to take government controls off of Wall Street (Glass-Stegall) and when it all blew up, government suddenly became "the solution" again, but only for the rich.
We are now in what is called a "jobless recovery", meaning that the rich people are fine, but the rest of us can go suck eggs - or is that "Eat Cake"?
We can't find good paying jobs in manufacturing anymore, so what are we to do?
My solution?
Get sick!
We have heard the Republicans and the Tea Party whine that we can't socialize health care because health care is 18% of "The Economy". How dare we try to enter into a world class health care model shared by virtually every western nation on earth, one that costs less and provides for better health, when we can, instead, grow the economy with health care?
We are currently near epidemic levels of obesity, depression, diabetes, and and other ailments that are largely the result of eating the wrong food - and too much of it. Now you might say, "Why don't we just change our diets" - and I would remind you that doing so would hurt our economy. We must over consume food in order to drive sales for food corporations like MacDonalds, Tyson, ADM, Monsanto, and other gigantic corporations that, like Goldman Sachs and AIG are too big to fail.
There is ample evidence that our current diet, rich in corn and soybeans at its base, it woefully deficient in Omega-3, an fatty acid that is key in preventing depression, heart disease, diabetes and even schizophrenia! This consumption of toxic foods helps support many corporations like Pfizer, Merck, and Eli Lilly by helping to boost sales of drugs to combat the aliments that our corporate diet has given us.
It's a win/win!
What's more, there are now so many side affects to these medications that new medications have now been developed to deal with those, more medications to buy, buy, buy, all great news because it grows the economy!
I know some of you are thinking, wouldn't it be better for us if we ate a different diet and maybe got more exercise, and in so doing improved our health? Of course! But that would be selfish. We need to think about The Economy and The continued growth of the corporations. It's not unlike the science fiction movie "The Matrix" where humans are used as an energy source for machines. Only in this reality, humans are used as a growth source for corporations.
If we all changed our diet to get way from corn and soybean based foods, and if we demanded that our government stopped subsidizing the production of these foods with our tax dollars, we would all live a healthier life, especially if we added in exercise and other things that corporations can't sell - but at what cost? The health care industry that is 18% of our economy would suffer. Healthy people do not fill hospitals or buy prescription medication. We need hospitals filled and more drugs consumed if we want our economy to grow! Corporations like Hospital Corporation of America, and Pfizer would suffer. Wall Street would suffer, and the DOW would not be healthy. Our economy needs more sick people each and every year if corporate earnings are going to reach projected sales goals!
If you accept the notion that a healthy Dow Jones is a healthy you, if you agree that corporate growth is good and anything that prohibits it takes away "your freedom", if you think that medical care, the compassionate assistance from one human being to another is a commodity to be traded and exploited to assist in the growth of corporations,I urge you to get sick and help grow the US Economy. It's your civic duty.

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